Kの20世紀洋楽和訳(440)Yes- We Have Heaven

Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare

ムーンドッグに伝えて 三月ウサギ*2 に伝えて

(*1 作詞のジョン・アンダーソンがビートルズのファンであり、ビートルズの初期の名前の1つがJohnny And The Moondogsだったらしい)

(*2 不思議の国のアリスの登場人物らしい)
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare (We have heaven)

Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
(We have heaven)
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
(We have heaven)
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare

Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare

(見渡す) ムーンドッグに(彼は明晰だ)伝えて 三月ウサギに伝えて
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(We have heaven) (To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare
(To look around) Tell the (He is clear) moon dog, tell the march hare