Kの20世紀洋楽和訳(622)The Beach Boys- Summertime Blues


[Verse 1]
I'm gonna raise a fuss, I'm gonna raise a holler

騒ぎを起こしてやる 大声で叫んでやる


About a workin' all summer just to try to earn a dollar


Every time I call my baby, and ask to get a date


My boss says, "No dice son, you gotta work late"

ボスが言うんだ “ダメだ 遅くまで働け” って


Sometimes I wonder what I'm-a gonna do


But there ain't no cure for the summertime blues



[Verse 2]
Well my mom and pop told me, "Son you gotta make some money


If you want to use the car to go ridin' next Sunday“

”次の日曜日に車に乗って出かけたいなら金を稼ぎなさい“ と

Well I didn't go to work, told the boss I was sick

俺は仕事に行かなかった ボスに病気だって言った

"Well you can't use the car cause you didn't work a lick"



Sometimes I wonder what I'm-a gonna do
But there ain't no cure for the summertime blues


[Verse 3]
I'm gonna take the weeks, gonna have a fine vacation

数週間かける 素晴らしい休暇を楽しむつもりだ

I'm gonna take my problem to the United Nations


Well I called my congressman and he said




"I'd like to help you son but you're too young to vote"



Sometimes I wonder what I'm-a gonna do
But there ain't no cure for the summertime blues